

WordPress: External RSS Feeds Optimization with KB Advanced RSS

Apart from its own Ice Tea tech blog, also displays two external feeds relating to Optimization and Standards. I needed to optimize the post titles of these two feeds by getting rid of their long suffixes, both for better looks and for more content within the same space.

The feeds were served by the standard […]

WordPress Optimization: Compatibility between Themes & Plugins

The first incarnation of Ice Tea tech was in Joomla 1.5. I admit I can’t resist the temptation to tweak my own blog and never got to understand the Joomla philosophy well enough to do it extensively. So, with neTWire‘s help (they set it up for me and successfully imported Joomla days’ posts), I […]

How to: Optimize Wi-Fi Coverage in Multi-Floor Facilities

By Jim Geier
“Sooner or later, you’ll need to install a wireless LAN in a multi-floor facility. Learn tips on how to assess the environment and possibly use inter-floor signal propagation in your favor. …”
By ageorg

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Pattie Maes demos the Sixth Sense | Video on

“This demo — from Pattie Maes' lab at MIT, spearheaded by Pranav Mistry — was the buzz of TED. It's a wearable device with a projector that paves the way for profound interaction with our environment. Imagine “Minority Report” and then some.” Wow!
By ageorg

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xen or virtuosso? – Web Hosting Talk – The largest, most influential web hosting community on the Internet

xen or virtuosso? – Web Hosting Talk – The largest, most influential web hosting community on the Internet
By ageorg

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Zougla online – Παρατηρητήριο Καταναλωτή

Zougla online – Παρατηρητήριο Καταναλωτή
By ageorg

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Adsense » Google Adsense Blogtimize – Optimize the ads on your blog

Adsense » Google Adsense Blogtimize – Optimize the ads on your blog
By ageorg

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HELLUG: Ένωση Χρηστών & Φίλων Linux Ελλάδος:

HELLUG: Ένωση Χρηστών & Φίλων Linux Ελλάδος:
By ageorg

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CSS Rounded Corners ‘Roundup’ | Smiley Cat Web Design

CSS Rounded Corners ‘Roundup’ | Smiley Cat Web Design
By ageorg

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twibs : find the businesses on twitter – 4,190 businesses and counting!

twibs : find the businesses on twitter – 4,190 businesses and counting!
By ageorg

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