

Your home on camera, live

Two weeks ago I was asked again to install a couple of cameras to watch a newborn baby at home (with the sitter…).

Provided there is an ADSL in the premises, the task is trivial, tech-wise. In this case, the heart of the system is an AVM Fritz ADSL modem, 4 port switch, wireless Access Point […]

Web browser standards: Opera Software vs Microsoft

Don’t you just hate it when a web page won’t show correctly in Firefox or any non-Internet Explorer browser?

I have always wondered why any web developer would block all Linux & Mac OS users out of their sites and frustrate a good portion of Windows users, those who prefer Firefox. On top of that, some […]

NAS for shared storage

I have been hooked on the idea of NAS (Network Attached Storage) since around 2000, when I first read about it. Of course, capacities and costs back then were out of this world.

Today I installed an Infrant Technologies ReadyNAS NV+ with 4 Seagate ST3500630AS Barracuda 500GB SATA2 hot-swappable hard disks and 1 gigabit ethernet port. […]