This client’s PC running Windows XP kept refusing to install the latest Java Runtime Environment. It seems such a problem is not that rare…
To cut a long story short, I came across this RAC_Reaper‘s post Re: Error 1330 (Invalid digital signature in installing 1.6.0_11, where he states:
“… I believe a regsvr32 initpki.dll is all you need to run and the 1330 error will go away.”
What this means is:
- Open a command prompt (console) window with administrative rights
- At the prompt type “regsvr32 initpki.dll” (without the quotes and hit “Enter”
- Run the JRE installation again. It should now work
It sure worked for me, thanks RAC_Reaper!
Thank you very much 😀 Saves my day.
I don’t find help in the Java’s website…
Thanks for the feedback, everyone 🙂
Thanks but this not work in Windows 7, to fix it on windows 7 read this
+1 !
I bookmarked at so my friends can view it as well. I simply used “Error 1330 Installing Java Runtime Environment” (JRE) | DiPot: Ice Tea tech as the entry title in my bookmark,I figured it would be a great way to promote this great post. Please email me back at if there is anything else I can do to help.
You are the first person on any internet forum to fix this. Much appreciated.
great its working now
Thanks mr.ageor
fahad KSA
Thanks. worked like you said it would 😉
Thanks, old_cat, I appreciate the comment!
Did the updated root certificate method work for anyone else?
thanks worked perfect
sometimes you just have to update your windows root certificate from microsoft website in order to let your computer accept the new digtal signature file from verisign and rerun the java installer after a reboot.
It worked for me
Steve, you need to provide some additional info. Comment again or contact me (ageor) on Twitter or FriendFeed.
this isnt working for me on windows 7 any suggestions?
Thanks a ton………
Yepeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! It Really works!!!!!!!!!
hey!!!great job…..thank you very much for saving my $39,i don’t need to buy “Error 1330 Repair Tool”